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  NASA Engineering & Safety Center Awards (October 2013)

On Tuesday October 29, 2013 Michael Mendenhall (NEAR President and CEO) received a Group Achievement Award from the NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) on behalf of the Probing Aircraft Flight Test Hazard Mitigation for the Alternative Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise Emissions Assessment Team. The award was given in recognition of the Team's exemplary support in conducting an independent aircraft loads analysis, margin assessment, and flight test risk characterization and mitigation resulting in improved flight test safety.

On Tuesday October 29, 2013 Daniel Lesieutre (NEAR Senior Research Engineer) received a Group Achievement Award from the NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) on behalf of the Probing Aircraft Flight Test Hazard Mitigation for the Alternative Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise Emissions Assessment Team. The award was given in recognition of the Team's exemplary support in conducting an independent aircraft loads analysis, margin assessment, and flight test risk characterization and mitigation resulting in improved flight test safety.

Rick Barton (NEAR Consultant) also received the NESC Group Achievement Award on behalf of the NASA Engineering and Safety Center Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Drogue Parachute High Altitude Quantification Team. This award was given in recognition of outstanding contributions in assessing the crew module aerodynamic stability predictions and parachute tools validity to predict drogue parachute high altitute loads and performance.

  Research and Technology Organization (RTO) Scientific Achievement Award (September 2012)

Michael Mendenhall (NEAR President and CEO) received a Scientific Achievement Award from NATO Research and Technology Organization (RTO), which was presented to AVT-161, Assessment of Stability and Control Prediction Methods for NATO Air and Sea Vehicles, for exceptional team effort which resulted in an outstanding and very original contribution.

  NASA Engineering & Safety Center Awards (November 2011)

On Tuesday November 1, 2011 Nielsen Engineering & Research (NEAR) received a Group Achievement Award from the NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC). This award was presented in recognition of NEAR's contribution to aero-structural analyses and flight measurements in support of the Boeing Phantom Ray Unmanned Air Vehicle delivery on the NASA Shuttle Carrier Aircraft.

Daniel Pruzan (Vice-President/Director of Engineering at NEAR) also received the NESC Leadership Award which honors individuals who have had a pronounced effect upon the technical activities of the NESC. Dr. Pruzan's award was given in recognition of exceptional engineering leadership for the NESC's assessment of the Constellation Program Launch Abort Vehicle Stability Augmentation and the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft Phantom Ray Delivery Flight.

  NASA Engineering & Safety Center Award (May 2010)

On Wednesday, May 11, 2010 Michael Mendenhall (NEAR President and CEO) received a NASA Group Achievement Award from the NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC) in recognition of his contributions as a member of the Max Launch Abort System (MLAS) Team.

  NASA Engineering & Safety Center Award (2009)

As a member of the Max Launch Abort System Team, Michael Mendenhall (NEAR President and CEO) received a NASA Group Achievement Award from the NASA Engineering & Safety Center (NESC). This award honors outstanding accomplishments through the coordination of individual efforts that have substantially contributed to the achievement of the NESC mission.


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