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Fast-running program MISDL employs elements of classical aerodynamic theory, including vortical theory. The software package predicts overall aerodynamic performance coefficients and detailed aerodynamic loading distributions on the body and fins of a missile.  The body modeling in MISDL has been extended so that noncircular body shapes can be modeled, including those with chines.  The missile finned sections can have planar, triform, cruciform, and low profile fin layouts. Fin planform can be arbitrary. Effects of rotational rates and of nonuniform flow are included. The overall and detailed aerodynamics predicted by these programs are useful to aerodynamic, structural, and control system engineers. The software packages include a postprocessor for generating aerodynamic forces for input to structural analysis program NASTRAN. The prediction programs are not limited to missile configurations, aircraft aerodynamic performance coefficients can also be determined.

Range of Flow Parameters
Subsonic - supersonic Mach number
(fin loads valid to Mach 6.0)
Angles of attack up to 30 deg
Roll angle arbitrary
Fin control deflection angles to 20 deg

Important Modeling Features
Nonlinear effects of body and fin vortices
Damping effects due to rotational rates (p,q,r)
Effects of user-specified nonuniform flow

Applicable Configurations
Up To 3 Fin Sections
Up to 8 fins per fin section
Arbitrary attachment and dihedral angles
Arbitrary fin planform shape

Aerodynamic Quantities Computed
Overall 6-DOF forces and moments:
axial, side, and normal forces
rolling, pitching, and yawing moments
Fin forces and moments:
fin axial and normal forces
fin hinge and bending moments
Body pressure distribution
Fin load distributions
Detailed axial force breakdown

Output Options
Detailed output file
TECPLOT ® compatible files
Spreadsheet compatible files

As an option, MISDL can be linked with the NEAR store separation program STRLNCH for detailed aerodynamic analysis of store carriage loads and trajectories.

MISDL is available for most workstation computers subject to license fees and a software license agreement. Delivery to foreign contries requires U.S. State Department export license. NEAR recommends a two-day training course which includes interpretation of the output and "hands-on" code running.


  1. Control of Hinge Moment by Tailoring Fin Structure and Planform - with M. F. E. Dillenius, J. F. Love and S. C. Perkins, Jr.. NEAR TR 530, December 1997.
  2. Missile Fin Planform Optimization for Improved Performance - with M. F. E. Dillenius and T. O. Lesieutre. NEAR PAPER. To be presented at AGARD 82nd Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium on Missile Aerodynamics, Sorrento, Italy, May 1998.
  3. Engineering, Intermediate, and High Level Aerodynamic Prediction Methods and Applications - with M. F. E. Dillenius, M. C. Hegedus, S. C. Perkins, Jr., J. F. Love, and T. O. Lesieutre. NEAR PAPER 356, AIAA Paper 97 2278, June 1997. Presented at AIAA Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 1997.
  4. Optimal Aerodynamic Design of Advanced Missile Configurations with Geometric and Structural Constraints - with T. O. Lesieutre and M. F. E Dillenius. NEAR TR 520, April 1997.
  5. Planform/Configuration Optimization Program OPTMIS for Arbitrary Cross Section Configurations With Up To Two Fin Sets Software User's Manual and Software Programmer's Manual - with T. O. Lesieutre and M. F. E. Dillenius. NEAR TR 519, April 1997.

Aero Software Licensing and Training

Missile Aerodynamics Prediction:  MISL3
Detailed Missile Loads:  MISDL
Euler Solver: NEARZEUSIN (with Inlets) /ZEUSBL
Aircraft Store Separation and Carriage Loads Analysis: STRLNCH
Aircraft Unsteady Maneuvering: SHAMAN
Unsteady Hydrodynamic Analysis: SUBFLO_2
User’s Training for all NEAR Software
State Department Export License and TAA Preparation as Required



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