Mr. Daniel J. Lesieutre
Senior Research Engineer
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Applied aerodynamics, multidisciplinary design optimization, aerodynamic shape optimization, aeroelastic design and optimization, unsteady aerodynamics
Advanced Aerial Refueling Systems
Multidisciplinary Vehicle Shape Optimization
Unsteady Aerodynamics for Multidisciplinary Simulations MISL3, Missile Aerodynamic Analysis Code
MISDL, Detailed Missile Aerodynamic Panel Code
STRLNCH, Aircraft Store Separation Code
Launch Vehicle Aerodynamics
Mr. Lesieutre has directed research projects in applied aerodynamics, aerodynamic shape optimization, multidisciplinary shape optimization, fluid dynamics, and unsteady aerodynamics. He has been Principal Investigator on studies for the United States Air Force, Navy, and NASA.
Mr. Lesieutre has developed aerodynamic prediction methods for vehicles at high angles of attack including rotational rate effects and unsteady aerodynamic prediction methods including the unsteady simulation of missiles flying low over the sea. He has been a prime developer of the NEAR MISL3 engineering-level missile aerodynamic prediction code. He also developed the subsonic panel method-based aerodynamic prediction code MISDL (SUBDL). Mr. Lesieutre has successfully demonstrated the use of numerical optimization methods for the multidisciplinary design of control fins with geometric and structural constraints, OPTMIS. These designs have included aerodynamic and aeroelastic shape optimization. He has also directed wind tunnel tests and utilized Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in the support of research projects and commercial customers.
Mr. Lesieutre has participated in a variety of projects, including investigations of submersible hydrodynamics, missile aerodynamics, aircraft aerodynamics, store separation, and launch vehicle aerodynamics. Mr. Lesieutre has written or made major contributions to over 100 publications, papers, reports, or proceedings.
School |
Major Area of Study |
Degree |
Thesis Topic |
Purdue University |
Aeronautics and Astronautics |
M.S. |
The Theoretical Performance of Counter-Rotating Propeller Systems |
Purdue University |
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering |
B.S. |
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Senior Member. Sigma Gamma Tau.
- Lesieutre, D. J. "Prediction of Sparrow Missile Aerodynamic Characteristics with a Non-Linear Engineering-Level Missile Prediction Method," AIAA 2017-3399, June 2017.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, D. J., and Kelly, M. J., "Trailing Vortex-Induced Loads During Close Encounters in Cruise," AIAA 2015-3300, Jun. 2015.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Lesieutre, D. J. and Quijano, O. E. "Statistical Analysis of Jettison Ejection Scenarios," AIAA 2015-1926, Jan. 2015.
- Pruzan, D. A., Lesieutre, D. J., and Bourne, S. M., "ASDRS Control Law Development," NEAR TR 679, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Aug. 2014.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Quijano, O. E. "Studies of Vortex Interference Associated with Missile Configurations," AIAA 2014-0213, Jan. 2014.
- Lesieutre, D. J. "Nonlinear Aerodynamic Predictions of Aircraft and Missiles Employing Trailing-Edge Flaps," AIAA 2014-0055, Jan. 2014.
- Lesieutre, D. J., "Detailed Aerodynamic Prediction Program MISDL, Code User's Manual, Version October 2013," NEAR TR 651, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Oct. 2013. ( Previous Versions:
Jan. 2013, Jan. 2011, Jul. 2008 )
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Perkins, Jr., S. C., "Store Separation Prediction Program STRLNCH, Code Users Manual, Version March 2013," NEAR TR 655, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Mar. 2013. ( Previous Versions: Dec. 2011 )
- Pruzan, D. A. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Actively Stabilzed Drogue Refueling System," NEAR TR 678, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Jan. 2013.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, D. J., Perkins, S. C., and Quijano, O. E., "JLG Aerodynamic Analysis," NEAR TR 672, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Oct. 2012.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Lesieutre, D. J., and Quijano, O. E., "Robust Recurrence Framework for Unsteady Multifidelity Aeroelastic Analysis," NEAR TR 670, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Sep. 2011.
- Reisenthel, P. H., and Lesieutre, D. J., "A Numerical Experiment on Allocating Resources Between Design of Experiment Samples and Surrogate-Based Optimization Infills," AIAA 2011-2150, Apr. 2011.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Mendenhall, M. R., "Overpressurization Of The Row 44 Dorsal Dbs Radome Installed On A Boeing 737-300," NEAR TR 668, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 2011.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Mendenhall, M. R., "Potential For Bird Strike And Ice Shedding On The Row 44 Dorsal Radome Installed On A Boeing 737-300," NEAR TR 667 - Revision A, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Feb. 2011.
- Lesieutre, D.J., and Pruzan, D.P., "Acoustic Shear Sensor for Flight Research," NEAR TR 664, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, 2010.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Quijano, O.E., Perkins, S. C., Jr., and Mendenhall, M.R., "Analysis of Under-Wing Fuel Tank Release from Pilatus PC-21 Aircraft," NEAR TR 658 Rev. B, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, Nov. 2010.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Perkins, S. C., Jr., "External Smoke Generator Safe Separation Study from the Pilatus PC-21 Aircraft," NEAR TR 663, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, Oct. 2010.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Pruzan, D. A., "An Innovative Flex-hose System for the MK 48 Torpedo," NEAR TR 662, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., Santa Clara, CA, 2010.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Lesieutre, D. J., "MLAS Objective System Dynamic Stability," NEAR TR 661, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Sep. 2010.
- Lesieutre, D. J., "MISL3 Aerodynamic Analysis for Finned Vehicles with Axisymmetric Bodies," NEAR TR 654, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, June 2010 ( Previous Versions: Jan. 2010 ).
- Reisenthel, P. H. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Statistical Benchmarking of Surrogate-Based on Other Optimization Methods Constrained by Fixed Computational Budget," AIAA 2010-3088, Apr. 2010.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Allen, T. T., Lesieutre, D. J., and Lee, S. H., "Development of Multidisciplinary, Multifidelity Analysis, Integration and Optimization of Aerospace Vehicles," NEAR TR 657, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, 2010.
- McDaniel, M. A., Evans, C. and Lesieutre, D. J., "The Effect of Tail Fin Parameters on the Induced Roll of a Canard-Controlled Missile," AIAA 2010-4226, Jun. 2010.
- Pruzan, D. A. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Preliminary Development of a CDC7 Stabilized Drogue for the Buddy Store System," NEAR TR 656, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Santa Clara, CA, Sep. 2009.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Pruzan, D. A., "Compact Lightweight MAD Towing System," NEAR TR 652, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 2008.
- Marnix F. E. Dillenius, M. F. E., Stanley C. Perkins, Jr., S. C., Daniel J. Lesieutre, D. J., and Ralph L. Carmichael, R. L., "Further Development and Extensions of The Engineering-Level Method (ELMDD) For Dart Dispense Aerodynamic Modeling, Final Technical Report," NEAR TR 619, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Sep. 2008.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Pruzan, D. A., "Innovative Controlled Drogue Refueling System," NEAR TR 648, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Inc., Mountain View, CA, Jul. 2008.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Pruzan, D. A., "An Innovative Flex-Hose System for the MK 48 Torpedo," NEAR TR 641, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jan. 2008.
- Hegedus, M. C., Love, J. F., Lesieutre, D. J., and Mendenhall, M. R., "Preliminary Aerodynamics Analysis and Separation Trajectory Estimates for the ATK MSST Configuration," NEAR TR 640, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 2007.
- Watson, K., Carmichael, R., Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., Losser, K., Dietz, W., Neaves, M., and Hovland, C., "Wind Tunnel Measurements of Transonic Aerodynamic Loads on Mine Clearing Darts," AIAA 2008-0346, 2008.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Module DISSUB for Modeling Subsonic Dispenser Flow Fields," NEAR TR 639, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Nov. 2007.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Chou, H. S. Y., Hegedus, M. C., Love, J. F., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Aerodynamic Loads on the Datron 2400 Dorsal DBS Radome Installed on a Boeing 767-300," NEAR TR 633 REV C, (PROPRIETARY), Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 2007.
- Reisenthel, P. H. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Cumulative Metamodeling With Uncertainty Estimation: A New Approach to Risk-Based Optimization of Aerospace Vehicles," NEAR TR 632, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jul. 2007.
- Pruzan, D. A. and Lesieutre, D. J., "A Preliminary Study of Two Concepts for Controlling and Stabilizing Hose and Drogue Refueling Systems, NEAR TR 627, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 2006.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Love, J. F., Lesieutre, D. J., and Childs, R. E., "Cumulative Global Metamodels with Uncertainty -- a tool for aerospace integration," The Aeronautical Journal, June 2006, pp. 375-384.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Chou, H. S. Y., Reisenthel, P. H., Lesieutre, D. J., and Love, J. F., "Jeteye (tm) System Computational Aerodynamic Analysis - Revision A," NEAR TR 616 Revision A, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, May 2006.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Gjestvang, J. A., "Store Separation Simulation of the Penguin Missile from Helicopters," Paper Number 9, Presented at NATO-RTO Symposium on Innovative Missile Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2006, RTO-MP-AVT-135.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Love, J. F., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Innovative Fusion of Experiment and Analysis for Missile Design and Flight Simulation," Paper Number 23, Presented at NATO-RTO Symposium on Innovative Missile Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2006, RTO-MP-AVT-135.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "MISL3 Aerodynamic Analysis for Finned Vehicles with Axisymmetric Bodies," NEAR TR 561 - February 2006, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Feb. 2006 ( Previous Versions:
Nov. 2000, May 2001, Mar. 2004, Jan. 2006 ).
- Dillenius, M. F. E. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Nonlinear Engineering-Level Missile Aerodynamics Prediction Methods MISL3, MISDL, and NEARZEUSIN/ZEUSBL," Panel Discussion on Missile Aerodynamics Predictive Codes, 44th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, Jan. 2006.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Pruzan, D. A., "Adaptive Aerial Refueling Drogue Hose/Drogue Dynamic Simulation (HDSIM) Software User's Manual," NEAR TR 618, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 2005.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Pruzan, D. A., "Adaptive Aerial Refueling Drogue," NEAR TR 617, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 2005.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Love, J. F., Lesieutre, D. J., and Childs, R. E., "Cumulative Global Metamodels with Uncertainty: a Tool for Aerospace Integration," CEIAT 2005-0019, [CD-ROM] 1st International Conference on Innovation & Integration in Aerospace Sciences, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, 4-5 Aug. 2005.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., Hegedus, M. C., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Perkins, S. C., Jr., "Detailed Aerodynamic Prediction Program MISDL Version December 2004 Code User's Manual," NEAR TR 610, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 2004.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Perkins, S. C., Jr., Carmichael, R. L., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Continued Development of the Engineering-Level Method (ELM) for Dart Dispense Aerodynamic Modeling," NEAR TR 609, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 2004.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., Hegedus, M. C., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Perkins, S. C., Jr., "Detailed Aerodynamic Prediction Program MISDL Code User's Manual," NEAR TR 607, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jul. 2004.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Pruzan, D. A., Lesieutre, D. J., and Love, J. F., "Nonlinear Characterization of Electromagnetic Pulse Response Using Continuous Wave Electromagnetic Data," NEAR TR 602, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Apr. 2004.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Perkins, S. C., Jr., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Engineering-Level Method (ELM) for Dart/Penetrator Dispense Aerodynamic Modeling," NEAR TR 588, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 2003.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., Love, J. F., and Perkins, S. C., Jr., "Nonlinear Engineering-Level Missile Aerodynamics Prediction Methods MISL3, MISDL, and NEARZEUSIN/ZEUSBL," CEAS Aerospace Aerodynamics Research Conference, London, UK, 10-12 Jun. 2003.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Pruzan, D. A., "Adaptive Aerial Refueling Drogue," NEAR TR 589, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Mar. 2003.
- Love, J. F., Perkins, S. C., Jr., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Code User's Manual for STRLNCH/M3FLR Store Separation Code Version February 2003 Updated with Automated Wing Chamber and Thickness Calculation Procedures," NEAR TR 586, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Feb. 2003.
- Love, J. F., Perkins, S. C., Jr., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "F-18C/D Aircraft Input Models for Use with STRLNCH Store Separation Code Updated with Automated Wing Camber and Thickness Calculation Procedures," NEAR TR 585, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Feb. 2003.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., Hegedus, M. C., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Detailed Aerodynamic Prediction Program MISDL Code User's Manual," NEAR TR 580, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., Hegedus, M. C., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Detailed Aerodynamic Prediction Program MISDL Eight Fin Version Code User's Manual," NEAR TR 579, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Prediction of the Nonlinear Aerodynamic Characteristics of Tandem-Control and Rolling-Tail Missiles," AIAA 2002-4511, Aug. 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "MISL3-November 2000 Aerodynamic Analysis for Finned Vehicles with Axisymmetric Bodies," NEAR TR 561, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, May 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., Hegedus, M. C., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Detailed Aerodynamic Prediction Program MISDL KDA Code User's Manual," NEAR TR 560, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Mar. 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., Hegedus, M. C., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "STRLNCH/KDA Software User's Manual for Penguin Launch from SH-60B Trajectory Analysis," NEAR TR 559, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Mar. 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Gjestvang, J., "Store Separation Simulation of Penguin Missile from Helicopters," AIAA 2002-0278, Jan. 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Gjestvang, J., "Application of MISDL/KDA Aerodynamics Prediction Method to Penguin Missile," AIAA 2002-0277, Jan. 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Recent Applications and Improvements to the Engineering-Level Aerodynamic Prediction Software MISL3," AIAA 2002-0275, Jan. 2002.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "MISDL Code User's Manual," NEAR TR 551, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Nov. 1999.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Lesieutre, D. J., Hegedus, M. C., Perkins, S. C., Jr., Love, J. F., and Lesieutre, T. O., "Engineering-, Intermediate-, and High-Level Aerodynamic Prediction Methods and Applications," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 36, No. 5, Sep.-Oct. 1999, pp. 609-620.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "NASCON Aerodynamic Force Distribution Conversion Program Technical Description with Input Description," NEAR TR 544, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Mar. 1999.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Lesieutre, T. O., "Missile Fin Planform Optimization for Improved Performance," RTO-MP-5, Missile Aerodynamics, Nov. 1998.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Lesieutre, D. J., Perkins, S. C., Jr., and Love, J. F., "Prediction of Nonlinear Missile Aerodynamics with Applications Including Store Separation," RTO-MP-5, Missile Aerodynamics, Nov. 1998.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Lesieutre, T. O., "Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Missile Configurations and Fin Planforms for Improved Performance," 7th Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, St. Louis, MO, AIAA 1998-4890, Sep. 1998.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Software Project Quality Plan for Helicopter Release of the Missile Penguin Separation Analysis Software," NEAR TR 538, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Aug. 1998.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "M3HAX Aerodynamic Analysis for Finned Vehicles with Axisymmetric Bodies," NEAR TR 493-D and 493-F, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Feb. 1998 ( Previous Versions:
Jun. 1995 - Nov. 1996 ).
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Love, J. F., "M3F3CA Aerodynamic Analysis for Finned Vehicles with Axisymmetric Bodies," NEAR TR 424-D and 424-F - February 1998, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Feb. 1998. ( Previous Versions:
Mar. 1991, May 1991, Feb. 1994, Apr. 1994, Dec. 1995 )
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., Love, J. F., and Perkins, S. C., Jr., "Control of Hinge Moment by Tailoring Fin Structure and Planform," NEAR TR 530, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 1997.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Lesieutre, T. O., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Optimal Aerodynamic Design of Advanced Missile Configurations with Geometric and Structural Constraints," WL-TR-1997-7073, Oct. 1997.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Lesieutre, D. J., Hegedus, M. C., Perkins, S. C., Jr., Love, J. F. , and Lesieutre, T. O., "Engineering, Intermediate, and High Level Aerodynamic Prediction Methods and Applications," AIAA 1997-2278, Jun. 1997.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Lesieutre, T. O., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Planform/Configuration Optimization Program OPTMIS for Arbitrary Cross Section Configurations With Up To Two Fin Sets - Software User's Manual and Software Programmer's Manual," NEAR TR 519, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 1997.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Lesieutre, T. O., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Optimal Aerodynamic Design of Advanced Missile Configurations with Geometric and Structural Constraints," NEAR TR 520, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Sep. 1997.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Lesieutre, T. O., "Incorporation of Gap Effects in the Design of High Performance Missile Control Fins," NEAR TR 522, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jun. 1997.
- Dillenius, M. F. E. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Aeroprediction at NEAR," Oral presentation at NAWCWPNS, China Lake, CA, NEAR Paper 357, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, May 1997.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Love, J. F., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "High Angle-of-Attack Missile Aerodynamics Including Rotational Rates - Program M3HAX," AIAA 1996-3392, Jul. 1996.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Love, J. F., Hegedus, M. C., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Program STRLNCH for Simulating Missile Launch from a Maneuvering Parent Aircraft at Subsonic Speed," NEAR TR 509, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, May 1996.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Yee, S., and Lesieutre, T. O., "Planform/Configuration Optimization Program OPTCNFG for Axisymmetric Configurations with up to Two Fin Sets - Software User's Manual," NEAR TR 506, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jan.1996.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Reisenthel, P. H., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Test Plans for Demonstrating the Efficacy of the King Arrow-Flow System," NEAR TR 505, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jan. 1996.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Reisenthel, P. H., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Analysis of Arrow-Flow Coast-Down Data," NEAR TR 504, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Nov. 1995.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Perkins, S. C., Jr., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Engineering Level Methods for Carriage Loads, High-Alpha Launch from Pitching Aircraft, and Submunition Aerodynamics," AGARD CP-570, Aerodynamics of Store Integration and Separation, Feb. 1996, pp. 10-1 - 10-9.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, T. O., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Carriage and Release Aerodynamics of the Pegasus Air-Launched Space Booster," AGARD CP-570, Aerodynamics of Store Integration and Separation, Feb. 1996, pp. 11-1 - 11-12.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., Yee, S., and Lesieutre, T. O., "Preliminary Planform Optimization Program OPTFIN Software User's Manual," NEAR TR 492, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Mar. 1995.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Lesieutre, T. O., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Subsonic Parent Aircraft Flow Prediction Program SBPAFL," NEAR TR 485, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 1994.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, D. J., Caruso, S. C., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Kuhn, G. D., "Aerodynamic Design of Pegasus: Concept to Flight with CFD," AGARD CP-493, Missile Aerodynamics, Oct. 1990, p. 7-1 - 7-11; also, AIAA 1991-0190, Jan. 1991; also Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 31, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1994, pp. 1007-1015.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Lesieutre, T. O., and Lesieutre, D. J., "High Angle-of-Attack Missile Launch Computer Analysis Code," NEAR TR 456 - Oct. 1994, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 1994. ( Previous Versions: Dec. 1992, Jan. 1993, Feb. 1993 )
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Mendenhall, M. R., "Computational Aerodynamic Analysis of a Cross-Flow Transition Glove on Pegasus," NEAR TR 483, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Sep. 1994.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Lesieutre, T. O., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Optimal Aerodynamic Design of Fin Planforms with Geometric Constraints," AIAA 1994-1913, Jun. 1994.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, T. O., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Carriage and Launch Characteristics of the Pegasus Air Launched Space Booster," AIAA 1994-1910, 1994.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Pegasus XL Stage 1 Stability Margins," NEAR TR 478, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Apr. 1994.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, T. O., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Carriage and Launch Characteristics of the Pegasus Air-Launched Space Booster," NEAR TR 477 - Jul. 1994, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jul. 1994 ( Previous Versions: Mar. 1994, May 1994 ).
- Whittaker, C. H., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Missile Aerodynamic Prediction at High Angles of Attack Including Angular Rates and Non-Uniform Flowfield Effects, Program M3HAX (an extended version of M3F3CA)," NEAR TR 473, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Feb. 1994.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Reisenthel, P. H., Dillenius, M. F. E., Viazzo, D., Fisher, S., Bhat, S., and McIntosh, S., "Unsteady Simulation of Flexible Missiles Flying Low Over The Sea," AIAA 1994-0720, Jan. 1994.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Reisenthel, P. H., "A Practical Approach for Calculating Aerodynamic Indicial Functions with a Navier-Stokes Solver," AIAA 1994-0059, Jan. 1994.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Lesieutre, D. J., Whittaker, C. H., and Lesieutre, T. O., "New Application of Engineering Level Missile Aerodynamics and Store Separation Prediction Methods," AIAA 1994-0028, Jan. 1994.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Lesieutre, T. O., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Optimal Aerodynamic Design of Missile Fins with Geometric Constraints," WL-TR-93-7083, 1993.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Lesieutre, T. O., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Optimal Aerodynamic Design of Missile Fins with Geometric Constraints," NEAR TR 471, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Nov. 1993.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Reisenthel, P. H., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "An Unsteady Aerodynamics Model Based on Indicial Theory for Multidisciplinary Flight Simulations," NEAR TR 468, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Aug. 1993.
- Lesieutre, D. J., "Software Product Specification for the CSCI EXPFIT of Unsteady Flexible Flight Vehicle Simulation System," NEAR TR 467, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Aug. 1993.
- Lesieutre, D. J., "Software Product Specification for the CSCI TSDVRT of Unsteady Flexible Flight Vehicle Simulation System," NEAR TR 466, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Aug. 1993.
- Lesieutre, D. J., "Unsteady Simulation of Flexible Missiles Flying Low Over the Sea," NEAR TR 465, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Aug. 1993.
- Lesieutre, D. J., "Flexible Sea Skimming Missile Simulation," NEAR Paper 312, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Jan. 1993.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, D. J., and Whittaker, C. H., "Aerodynamic Analysis of Pegasus - Computations vs. Reality," AIAA 1993-0520, Jan. 1993.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Perkins, S. C., Jr., and Lesieutre, D. J., "A Vortex Cloud Model for Body Vortex Shedding and Tracking," Tactical Missile Aerodynamics: Prediction Methodology, edited by M. R. Mendenhall, AIAA Progress in Astronautics and Aeronatics, 1992, pp. 225-285.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., Reisenthel, P. H., and Lesieutre, T. O., "Unsteady Aerodynamic Simulation of a Rigid Body Vehicle Flying Low Over the Sea," NEAR TR 451, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 1992.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Prediction of Vortex Shedding from Forebodies with Chines," ICAS Paper 3.5.2, 17th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, Stockholm, Sweden, Sep. 1990; also Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 29, No. 3, May-Jun. 1992, pp. 404-412.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Johnson, D. L., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Improvements to the Missile Aerodynamic Prediction Code DEMON3," NASA CR 4432 (Also NEAR TR 435, Mar. 1992), 1992.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Whittaker, C. H., "Program SUBSAL and Modified Subsonic Store Separation Program for Calculating NASTRAN Forces Acting on Missiles Attached to Subsonic Aircraft," NEAR TR 393-L, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Sep. 1991.
- Reisenthel, P. H., Lesieutre, D. J., and Nixon, D., "Prediction of Aeroelastic Effects for Sea-Skimming Missiles with Flow Separation," AIAA 1991-1052, Jan. 1991.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Correlation of Experimental Fin Centers of Pressure," AIAA 1991-0708, Jan. 1991.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, D. J., Caruso, S. C., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Kuhn, G. D., "Aerodynamic Design of Pegasus - Concept to Flight with CFD," AIAA 1991-0190, Jan. 1991.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Lesieutre, D. J., Whittaker, C. H., Torres, T. O., Johnson, D. L., and Kuhn, G. D., "Free Stream Aerodynamic Characteristics of the WEC/AUR Vehicle," NEAR TR 416, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 1990.
- Mendenhall, M. R. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Prediction of Subsonic Vortex Shedding from Forebodies with Chines," NASA CR 4323 (Also, NEAR TR 391, Dec. 1989), Sep. 1990.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Nixon, D., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Torres, T. O., "Analysis of Missile Flying Low Over Various Sea States," AIAA 1990-2855, Aug. 1990.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Mendenhall, M. R., and Torres, T. O., "Missile Stability and Methods Development, Volume III - Program FINCP for Prediction of Chordwise and Spanwise Centers of Pressure of Missile Control Fins," NEAR TR 396-Volume III, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Aug. 1990.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Canning, T. N., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Mendenhall, M. R., "Missile Stability and Control Methods Development, Volume I - Program FINCP for Prediction of Chordwise and Spanwise Centers of Pressure of Missile Control Fins," NEAR TR 396 -Volume I, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Aug. 1990.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Perkins, S. C., Jr., Johnson, D. L., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Engineering Level Predictions for External Store Separation and Submunition Aerodynamics," Store Carriage, Integration, and Release Proceedings, Royal Aeronautical Society, Apr. 1990, pp. 18.1 - 18.21.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Chordwise and Spanwise Centers of Pressure of Missile Fins," AGARD CP-493, Missile Aerodynamics, Oct. 1990, pp. 30-1 - 31-12.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Aerodynamic Analysis Program MISL3 for Conventional Missiles with Cruciform Fin Section (Three Fin Set and High Aspect Ratio Version)," NEAR TR 415, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Mar. 1990.
- Johnson, D. L., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Addendum to Report NEAR TR 404. Graphics Display Portion of the Aerodynamic Analysis Program MISL3SG," NEAR TR 445, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec.1989.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Nixon, D., Dillenius, M. F. E., and Torres, T. O., "Analysis of Missiles Flying Low over Various Sea States," NEAR TR 408, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Nov. 1989.
- Dillenius, M. F. E. and Lesieutre, D. J., "Short Descriptions of Programs/Modules and Input for SUPDL, BDYSHED, NASCON, LDCALC, TRJTRY," NEAR TR 407, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Nov. 1989.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, D. J., Johnson, D. L., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Aerodynamic Analysis of BEI Rocket Configurations - Task 1," NEAR TR 406, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Sep.1989.
- Johnson, D. L., Lesieutre, D. J., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Graphics Display Portion of the Aerodynamic Analysis Program MISL3SG," NEAR TR 404-ADD, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, May 1989.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Dillenius, M. F. E., Mendenhall, M. R., and Torres, T. O., "Aerodynamic Analysis Program for Conventional Missiles with Cruciform Fin Sections," NEAR TR 404, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, May 1989.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Lesieutre, D. J., Perkins, S. C., Jr., Jeter, E. L., and Schultz, J. C., "Methodology for Aerostructural Analysis of a Missile Attached to a Maneuvering Aircraft," AIAA 1989-0480, Jan. 1989.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Mendenhall, M. R., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Prediction of Induced Roll on Conventional Missiles with Cruciform Fin Sections," AIAA 1988-0529, Jan. 1988.
- Mendenhall, M. R., and Perkins, S. C., Jr., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Prediction of the Nonlinear Aerodynamic Characteristics of Maneuvering Missiles," Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 24, No. 5, Sep.-Oct. 1987.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Perkins, S. C. Jr., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Modifed NWCDM-NSTRN and Supersonic Store Separation Programs for Calculating NASTRAN Forces Acting on Missiles Attached to Supersonic Aircraft," NWC TP 6834, Sep. 1987.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Caruso, S. C., Lesieutre, D. J., and Childs, R. E., "An Investigation of Wing Lift Augmentation with Spanwise Tip Blowing," NEAR TR 365, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Apr. 1987.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Lesieutre, D. J., and "Prediction of Vortex Shedding from Circular and Noncircular Bodies in Subsonic Flow," NASA CR 4037 (Also, NEAR TR 354, Dec. 1985), Jan. 1987 .
- Lesieutre, D. J., Mendenhall, M. R., Hemsch, M. F., and Nazario, S. M., "Aerodynamic Characteristics of Cruciform Missiles at High Angles of Attack," AIAA 1987-0212, Jan. 1987.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Caruso, S. C., Lesieutre, D. J., and Childs, R. E., "An Investigation of Wing Lift Augmentation with Spanwise Tip Blowing," AFWAL TR 86 3112, 1986.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Nixon, D., and Dillenius, M. F. E., "Transonic Correction for Axial Flow Component in the NEAR Subsonic Store Separation Code," NEAR TR 371, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Dec. 1986.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Dillenius, M. F. E., "AV-8B Aircraft Mathematical Model for NEAR Subsonic 6-DOF Store Separation Code," NEAR TR 368, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 1986.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Perkins, S. C., Jr., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Prediction of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flight Vehicles in Large Unsteady Maneuvers," ICAS-86-2.5.3, 15th Congress International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, London, England, Sep. 1986.
- Lesieutre, D. J., Mendenhall, M. R., Nazario, S. M., and Hemsch, M. J., "Prediction of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Cruciform Missiles Including Effects of Roll Angle and Control Deflection," NEAR TR 360, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Aug. 1986.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Sullivan, J. P., "Unsteady Forces on Counter-Rotating Propeller Blades," AIAA 1986-1804, Mar. 1986.
- Dillenius, M. F. E., Perkins, S. C. Jr., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Modifed NWCDM-NSTRN and Supersonic Store Separation Programs for Calculating NASTRAN Forces Acting on Missiles Attached to Supersonic Aircraft," NEAR TR 369 L, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA, Feb. 1986.
- Mendenhall, M. R., Perkins, S. C., Jr., and Lesieutre, D. J., "Modeling SLBM Underwater Launch Trajectories," NEAR TR 346, Nielsen Engineering & Research, Mountain View, CA., Jun. 1985.
- Lesieutre, D. J. and Sullivan, J. P., "The Analysis of Counter-Rotating Propeller Systems," SAE Paper No. 850869, Apr. 1985.